Florida SB 122 News

Commentary: How Florida AOB Crisis Is Impacting State’s Independent Agents

Florida’s “one-way attorney fee” statute enacted to protect Florida policyholders from large insurance companies has instead spawned a huge industry of assignment of benefits (AOB) predators who take advantage of policyholders and threaten the livelihood of hundreds of independent insurance …

Florida Governor Urges Lawmakers to Address AOB as Reforms Move Forward

Just over a week into the 2019 legislative session, insurance industry-supported bills aimed at reforming Florida assignment of benefits (AOB) abuse are making progress in the state legislature. Lawmakers in the Florida House of Representatives and Senate have each advanced …

Will 7th Time Be the Charm? Industry Makes Big Push for AOB Reform in 2019

The push for assignment of benefits (AOB) reform in the 2019 Florida legislative session is in full swing, and the insurance industry and consumer advocates have pulled out all the stops to emphasize their contention that abuse of a policyholder …