Florida Senate Bill 76 News

Florida Governor to Sign Property Insurance Measure But Says State Needs to Do More

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said that he will sign recently-passed legislation addressing property insurance costs and roofing contractor practices while adding that he believes that the state needs to do more to curb excess litigation and improve the insurance market. …

Too Little, Too Late? Breaking Down Florida’s Latest Property Insurance Reforms

A bill passed by the Florida Legislature to address the state’s property insurance crisis has created optimism among some stakeholders, while others say it will not reduce rates over the next 18 to 24 months or stop the state’s out-of-control …

Florida Legislature Passes Major Changes to Auto, Property Insurance Markets

Florida lawmakers passed two bills on the last day of their 2021 legislative session that make major changes to the state’s auto and property insurance markets. The actions follow weeks of back-and-forth debate on the proposals between the House and …

Florida Senate Passes Property Insurance Reform Bill

A bill backed by the Florida insurance industry and other stakeholders aimed at addressing the state’s insurance market woes was passed in the Senate chamber this week but faces an uncertain future as the companion bill in the Florida House …

Fate of Florida Insurance Reforms Uncertain as Lawmakers Weigh Industry-Backed Bills

Two bills designed to deal with Florida’s crumbling property insurance market have embarked on divergent paths in the state legislature as lawmakers approach the final weeks of the 2021 session. Senate Bill 76 and House Bill 305, both originally supported …

Florida Legislature Weighs Options to Address Rising Homeowners Insurance Costs

Three bills currently working their way through the Florida Legislature are designed to tackle the rising costs of homeowner roof claims, the costs of attorney fees in homeowner’s claims and issues surrounding notice to insurance carriers. The proposed legislations come …