Florida texting ban News

Florida Lawmakers to Reconsider Texting While Driving Ban

Florida Highway Patrol Sgt. Mark Wysocky says it is hard to separate texting drivers from drunken drivers as he cruises down a suburban interstate highway. Both weave. They speed up and slow down for no obvious reason and get too …

Florida Ban on Texting While Driving Now in Effect

Florida is joining 40 other states in the U.S. where it is illegal to text and drive. The ban is one of more than two dozen laws passed by the Republican-controlled Legislature scheduled that kicked in on Tuesday, Oct. 1. …

Florida Lawmakers Advance Texting While Driving Bill

The Florida House has passed its version of a statewide ban on texting while driving, but the proposal’s fate is uncertain. The House passed the bill (SB 52) on a 110-6 vote Wednesday. It includes an amendment that allows police …