Florida ZIka News

Florida’s New Tactic to Fight Zika: Release of 20K Bacteria-Infected Mosquitoes

Thousands of bacteria-infected mosquitoes were released in the wild Tuesday near Key West, testing a new way to kill mosquitoes that carry Zika and other viruses. The Florida Keys Mosquito Control District released 20,000 male mosquitoes infected by the Kentucky-based …

Florida Police Union Says Officers With Zika Entitled to Workers’ Comp

Police union officials want Florida lawmakers to extend workers’ compensation to first responders with Zika. Florida Fraternal Order of Police President Bobby Jenkins said Tuesday that emergency responders should be covered if they contract an infectious disease while working. The …

Miami Beach Traps New Pool of Zika-Positive Mosquitoes

Officials say a new pool of mosquitoes taken from Miami Beach has tested positive for Zika. A Miami-Dade County Mosquito Control news release says officials learned about the new pool Monday. The insects had been collected from a trap Oct. …

Setback in Zika Fight: Virus Found in New Miami Neighborhood

Health officials announced Thursday a new Zika zone in Miami โ€“ a setback less than a month after declaring the nearby Wynwood neighborhood cleared of the virus following aggressive mosquito spraying. Five people have been infected with Zika in a …

Miami Businesses Anxiously Await End to Zika Warnings

Business owners are anxious for federal health officials to lift a travel advisory warning pregnant women and their partners to avoid parts of Miami and South Beach that have been identified as zones of active transmission of the Zika virus. …

Zika Reveals Gaps in U.S. Mosquito Control Options

Over Wynwood, the Miami neighborhood where Zika gained a foothold in the continental United States, low flying planes have been spraying naled, a tightly controlled pesticide often used as a last resort. It appears to be working, killing at least …

Zika Case Found in Florida County Hundreds of Miles From Miami

Florida officials on Tuesday announced the first case of Zika acquired by local mosquitoes in Pinellas County, located some 265 miles (425 km) from Miami, where the first locally transmitted U.S. cases were reported. Florida Governor Rick Scott also said …