forced arbitration News

Senate Joins House in Passing Ban on Forced Arbitration of Worker Sexual Abuse Claims

The U.S. Senate on Thursday approved a bill that would ban companies from forcing employees who allege sexual assault or harassment to settle their claims with an arbiter without the option of filing a lawsuit. The bill, which the House …

Oklahoma Court Says Home Warranty Contract Is Insurance, Nixes Forced Arbitration

A home warranty contract is an insurance contract. That’s the conclusion of the Oklahoma Supreme Court in a case in which the plaintiffs challenged a mandatory arbitration provision in a home warranty contract, maintaining such provisions are not legal under …

Wells Fargo Agrees to Halt Forced Arbitration for Sex Harassment Claims

Wells Fargo & Co. on Wednesday ended its forced arbitration policy for employee sexual harassment claims, opening the lender to potential lawsuits in the future. The San Francisco-based bank made the decision following a shareholder proposal from Clean Yield Asset …

Democrats Propose Ban on Mandatory Arbitration in Employment, Consumer Contracts

Six Google employees on Thursday joined U.S. lawmakers to support bills that would ban mandatory arbitration in employment and consumer contracts, as the workers seek to build on recent success in getting the Alphabet Inc company to drop some arbitration …

Supreme Court Backs Employers on Forced Arbitration, Limiting Employee Class Actions

A divided U.S. Supreme Court ruled that employers can force workers to use individual arbitration instead of class-action lawsuits to press legal claims. The decision potentially limits the rights of tens of millions of employees. The justices, voting 5-4 along …

Louisiana Bill Banning Forced Arbitration in Workplace Harassment Claims Fails

Louisiana lawmakers have jettisoned a measure that would have banned employers from requiring their workers to sign contracts that keep them from filing sexual harassment lawsuits in civil court. The House voted 50-42 against House Bill 578, with most Republicans …

Equifax, Wells Fargo May Still Face Class Actions Despite Wall Street Arbitration Win

Not every financial firm will be able to reap the benefit of Wall Street’s victory in dismantling the threat of class-action law suits. The U.S. Senate killed a rule late on Tuesday that allowed consumers to band together to sue …

Congress Kills Obama Ban on Forced Arbitration in Battle Against Class Actions

Banks, credit card issuers and other financial companies will be able to block customers from banding together to sue over disputes, after the U.S. Senate on Tuesday narrowly killed a rule banning the firms from using “forced arbitration” clauses. Republican …

Finance Industry Sues to End U.S. Rule Curbing Forced Arbitration for Consumers

A coalition of corporate lobbying groups, led by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, sued the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to overturn a rule that makes it easier for aggrieved customers to file lawsuits against financial firms. The litigation, filed Friday …

Battle Against Forced Arbitration in Financial Contracts Could Take Years

A U.S. agency’s plans to ban forced arbitration clauses from financial contracts faces a tough road, with early reaction pointing to a years-long battle that could take a Supreme Court test to settle. Thousands of angry consumers and business representatives …