Ford Motor Co. News

Trump Hands Climate Leadership Role to China to Dismay of Global Leaders

President Donald Trump’s decision to isolate the U.S. on climate change triggered waves of complaints from government and business leaders around the world and handed China a golden opportunity to burnish its image as a global leader. Trump’s withdrawal from …

Apple, Tesla Want California to Toughen Proposed Self-Driving Car Test Rules

Apple Inc. urged California to toughen up its proposed policy on testing self-driving cars, a move that would result in more public data that could help Apple catch up to rivals in the self-driving space by giving it a better …

Grand Theft Auto Video Game Teaches Autonomous Cars How to Drive

In the race to the autonomous revolution, developers have realized there aren’t enough hours in a day to clock the real-world miles needed to teach cars how to drive themselves. Which is why Grand Theft Auto V is in the …

None Injured in Fire at Ford Motor Michigan Headquarters

Ford Motor Co. said a fire at its headquarters in Dearborn, Michigan, on Oct. 31 did not injure anyone but caused the 1,500 employees based there to leave the 60-year-old building for the day. A spokesman said Ford will report …

Ford CEO: Affordable Driverless Cars to Be in Showrooms in 10 Years

Ford Motor Co. intends to start selling driverless cars to the public by about 2025, its chief executive officer said. The goal is to lower costs enough to make autonomous vehicles affordable to millions of people, CEO Mark Fields said …

First Driverless ‘Robo-Taxi’ Hits Singapore’s Streets in Limited Public Trial

The first driverless taxi began work on Thursday in a limited public trial on the streets of Singapore. Developer nuTonomy invited a select group of people to download their app and ride for free in its “robo-taxi” in a western …

Self-Driving Vehicles Meet Their Match When Snow Creates Sensor Blindness

In Jokkmokk, a tiny hamlet just north of the Arctic Circle in Sweden, where temperatures can dip to 50 below, Volvo Cars’ self-driving XC90 sport-utility vehicle met its match: frozen flakes that caked on radar sensors essential to reading the …

Business Losses in India’s Flood-Ravaged Chennai Could Top $2.2 Billion

As the flood-ravaged Indian city of Chennai prayed for respite from torrential rains, a trade body said losses to businesses from the record downpour could reach more than 150 billion rupees ($2.2 billion).* Water discharged from overflowing lakes and reservoirs …

U of M, Carmakers Fund Research Toward Communicating Cars

A group of companies, including several large automakers, have joined a public-private research initiative to lay the groundwork for a system that wirelessly connects vehicles and helps smooth the flow of traffic, the University on Michigan said. The university’s Mobility …

Ford Teams with MIT, Stanford to Research Autonomous Vehicles

Ford Motor Co. said on Wednesday it is joining with two top U.S. universities to launch research into automated driving technology. The automaker said it will work with Stanford University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) on the “technical …