Ford self-driving cars News

3 Major Automakers Partner to Develop Autonomous Vehicle Safety Standards, Testing

Three major automakers said on Wednesday they were forming a consortium to help draw up safety standards for self-driving cars that could eventually help create regulations in the United States. General Motors Co., Ford Motor Co. and Toyota Motor Corp. …

First Driverless ‘Robo-Taxi’ Hits Singapore’s Streets in Limited Public Trial

The first driverless taxi began work on Thursday in a limited public trial on the streets of Singapore. Developer nuTonomy invited a select group of people to download their app and ride for free in its “robo-taxi” in a western …

Snow Problem When It Comes to Self-Driving Cars, Says Google

Google Inc. sees Detroit’s snow as a bigger barrier than Washington’s regulators for its self-driving car. The technology giant doesn’t intend to offer a self-driving car to areas where it snows in the near term, Chris Urmson, director of Google’s …