foreign investment in China News

As China’s Insurance Market Liberalizes, There Will Be Many Winners: Opinion

Foreign insurers, especially AIA Group Ltd., can break out the champagne: China’s opening of its financial markets is great news. The day after U.S. President Donald Trump left Beijing with billions of dollars of deals with President Xi Jinping, the …

China Unveils Rules Allowing Foreign Firms to Take Majority Stakes in Local Insurers

China took a major step toward the long-awaited opening of its financial system, saying it will remove foreign ownership limits on banks while allowing overseas firms to take majority stakes in local securities ventures, fund managers and insurers. The new …

China Pledges to Keep Easing Barriers to Entry for Foreign Insurers, Banks

China pledged to keep nudging open the door to its mammoth financial industry — but it will do so at its own pace. On Thursday, amid a slew of Sino-U.S. dealmaking during President Donald Trump’s visit to China, the Foreign …

China to Further Open Its Economy to Foreign Investments in Insurance, Banking

China, facing a possible decline in foreign investment this year, will become more open for international investors and take steps to better protect intellectual property, its cabinet said on Wednesday. In recent months, the Chinese government has made multiple statements …

China May Allow Foreign Investors to Hold Controlling Stakes in Financial Firms

China may allow foreign investors to hold controlling stakes in mainland securities, fund management and insurance companies, the Chinese and British governments said, underlining Beijing’s commitment to opening up the mainland capital markets. Permitting foreigners to hold controlling stakes in …