Former FBI Director Louis Freeh News

BP Claim Investigator: Louisiana Fisherman Should Repay $50K

A court-appointed investigator says a Louisiana fisherman should return more than $50,000 in BP oil spill claim money. Louis Freeh, the former FBI director appointed to investigate claims arising from the 2010 disaster, filed a federal court motion to force …

BP Can’t See Documents from Probe Into Lawyers, Judge Says

BP is not entitled to see confidential documents used by a court-appointed investigator who has alleged that some attorneys acted improperly in the claims process arising from the 2010 Gulf oil spill, a federal judge ruled Friday. The investigator, former …

Probe Clears BP Oil Spill Claims Chief But Finds Staff Misconduct

An investigation led by former FBI Director Louis Freeh cleared the BP claims administrator of misconduct in handling settlement payouts from the 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico on Friday, but found some of his staff took kickbacks …

Judge Denies BP Bid to Halt Oil Spill Claim Payments

A federal judge denied BP Plc’s attempt to suspend payments to people and businesses claiming damages related to the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill, while an investigator —— former FBI Director Louis Freeh— looks into possible misconduct in the …

BP Wants Gulf Oil Spill Claim Payments to Stop Until Probe Complete

BP Plc asked a federal judge to temporarily halt payments from the court-supervised settlement program set up after the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill while Louis Freeh investigates possible misconduct. BP filed its request for an emergency halt to …

Court Asks Former FBI Director Freeh to Probe BP Claims

Former FBI Director Louis Freeh will investigate possible misconduct by a lawyer involved in making payments to settle claims by people and businesses affected by the BP spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010, the judge in the spill …