fossil fuels News

Institutional Investors Ignore Climate Risks Despite Bank of England Warning

The number big investors ignoring climate change risk increased last year despite a stark warning from Bank of England Governor Mark Carney about the potential for “huge” losses from a sudden shift in regulation designed to curb global warming and …

In Texas Court, Exxon Files to Block Climate-Change Document Subpoena

Exxon Mobil Corp. is squaring off against government investigators who believe the energy giant covered up knowledge of how fossil fuels contribute to climate change. Exxon went to state court this week in Texas to quash a subpoena issued last …

Fossil Fuel Divestments by Insurers & Other Investors Top $3.4 Trillion: Activists

Insurers, cities and other investors controlling more than $3.4 trillion in assets have pledged to keep some or all of their money out of fossil-fuel companies — a high-water mark for the divestment movement, according to climate-change advocates. The number …

Climate Risk May Hit Equity Portfolios as Investor Sentiment Shifts: Study

Equity portfolios may lose as much as 45 percent of their value due to shifting investor sentiment about climate change, according to a report by. Investors are becoming more aware of the short-term impact that the warming planet may have …

10 Oil & Gas Bosses Seek to Improve Image Before Climate Change Summit

Oil and gas industry bosses called for an “effective” agreement at the United Nations climate change summit in December, recognizing that current greenhouse gas emissions were inconsistent with the goal of limiting global warming. The leaders of 10 companies said …

Bank of England Governor: Insurers Face Huge Exposure to Climate Change Risks

Bank of England Governor Mark Carney said UK insurers face potentially “huge” exposure to shifts in climate-change policy and Group of 20 nations need to do more to combat associated financial stability risks. “The challenges currently posed by climate change …

Institutional Investors’ Fossil-Fuel Divestment Exceeds $2.6 Trillion

Portfolio managers have pledged to steer $2.6 trillion in investments away from fossil fuels in an effort to prevent catastrophic climate change. That’s a 50-fold increase from the cumulative total a year ago, $50 billion, as environmental groups increased pressure …

Shell: Insurers May Be Reluctant to Underwrite Carbon Capture Projects

Projects to capture carbon emissions from power plants and store them permanently underground face “large risk premiums” from insurers because the technology is so new, Royal Dutch Shell plc said. “Insurance will be able to address only part of the …

AXA Plans to Sell Coal Assets, Citing Concerns About Climate Change

France’s largest insurer will scrap holdings in coal companies because of concerns about climate change, broadening support for the fossil-fuel divestment movement to a major mainstream investor. AXA SA Chief Executive Officer Henri de Castries said he’s working to sell …

Companies May Need to Disclose Fossil-Fuel Exposure: UK Energy Secretary

U.K. Energy Secretary Ed Davey called for a debate on forcing companies to disclose their exposure to fossil fuels so that investors know the risks they face as cleaner forms of energy are required. “There’s a case for making it …