fossil fuels News

High Cost Hinders Progress of Carbon Capture As Climate-Change Fix

Scientists know only two credible ways to prevent temperatures from rising to dangerous levels: stop burning fossil fuels or capture and bury the carbon dioxide byproduct before it gets into the atmosphere. The second idea, known in the trade as …

3rd IPCC Report: Greenhouse Gas Emissions Accelerate Despite Reduction Efforts

The latest in a series of reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) unfortunately confirms that “global emissions of greenhouse gases have risen to unprecedented levels despite a growing number of policies to reduce climate change. Emissions grew …

Extracting Carbon from Nature Can Aid Climate, but Will Be Costly: UN Report

A little-known technology that may be able to take the equivalent of China’s greenhouse gas emissions out of the carbon cycle could be the radical policy shift needed to slow climate change this century, a draft U.N. report shows. Using …

Global Climate Spending Falling Further Behind Target: Report

Global spending to combat climate change fell last year and remains far below the level needed to prevent its most dangerous effects, a report by the Climate Policy Initiative said on Tuesday. Investment in renewable energy, energy efficiency and adaptation …

Commentary: Breathing New Life into Climate Policy

Shale has killed climate policy. Now the International Energy Agency (IEA) is trying to bring it back to life. Following the shale revolution, policymakers can no longer count on peaking oil and gas supplies and soaring fuel prices to save …

Global Investors Call for Action on Serious Climate Danger

A coalition of the world’s largest investors called on governments on Tuesday to ramp up action on climate change and boost clean-energy investment or risk trillions of dollars in investments and disruption to economies. In an open letter, the alliance …

Main Points of Agreement from Rio+20 Summit Show Little Progress

Global leaders on Friday wrapped up a United Nations development summit with little to show but a lackluster agreement, as critics scorned governments for showing no urgency to tackle climate change as well as food and water scarcity. Nearly 100 …

U.N. Sounds Environment Alarm Ahead of Rio Summit

Population growth, urbanization and consumption are set to inflict irreversible damage on the planet, the United Nations said on Wednesday, and called for urgent agreement on new environmental targets at an Earth summit this month. The U.N. Environment Program sounded …