fracking damage to drinking water News

Pennsylvania Families Win $4.24M Verdict Against Gas Driller

Two couples were awarded nearly $4.25 million on Thursday after a federal jury found one of the largest natural gas producers in Pennsylvania was responsible for the contamination of their well water, capping a six-year odyssey that turned their sleepy …

Penn. Fracking Trial Begins; Driller Accused of Contaminating Drinking Water

Cabot Oil & Gas Co contaminated drinking water for two Pennsylvania families in its rush to begin fracking operations during the state’s natural gas boom, a lawyer told a federal jury in Scranton, Pennsylvania, on Tuesday at the start of …

Its Own Scientists Question EPA Claim Fracking Is Safe for Drinking Water

A landmark study by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that concluded fracking causes no widespread harm to drinking water is coming under fire — this time, from the agency’s own science advisers. The EPA’s preliminary findings released in June were …

Increase in Kentucky Fracking Prompts Lawmakers to Update Rules

As Kentucky mines less coal and produces more natural gas, state lawmakers want to update the environmental protection rules that drilling companies are required to follow. But some landowners worry the state’s rush to welcome the practice of hydraulic fracturing, …

Fracking Tied to Drinking Water Damage by EPA Regional Official

Gas drilling caused “significant damage” to drinking-water aquifers in a Pennsylvania town at the center of a fight over the safety of hydraulic fracturing, according to a report prepared by a federal official. The previously unreleased document from an employee …