fracking litigation News

Environmental Groups Sue EPA to Force Fracking Chemicals Disclosure

A coalition of advocacy groups sued the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for public access to information on toxic chemicals released by the energy industry through hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, and other forms of oil and gas drilling. Fracking involves the …

Arkansas Homeowners Settle Suit Charging Fracking Wastewater Caused Quakes

Five Arkansas residents who sued two oil companies claiming wastewater disposal wells from fracking caused earthquakes that damaged their homes settled with the companies for an undisclosed sum on Aug. 28, according to U.S. court documents and the plaintiffs’ lawyers. …

Fracking Companies Silence Water Complaints With Sealed Settlements

Chris and Stephanie Hallowich were sure drilling for natural gas near their Pennsylvania home was to blame for the headaches, burning eyes and sore throats they suffered after the work began. The companies insisted hydraulic fracturing — the technique they …