France News

S&P Confirms Earthquake Didn’t Trigger Japanese Cat Bonds

While the earthquake which struck Western Japan last week was very strong, measuring 7.3 on the Japanese Meteorological Agency scale, it was extremely deep, and the epicenter was far from a major population center – A set of circumstances that …

S&P Lowers Groupama Ratings

Standard & Poor’s announced that it had lowered the financial strength and counterparty credit ratings to “single-A from single A plus” for CCAMA, the parent company of France’s Groupama insurance group, related entities, and the groups in-house bank Banque Finama. …

First Concorde Lawsuit Filed in U.S.

Lawyers for the family of one of the German victims of the Concorde crash outside Paris on July 25th have filed a lawsuit in Federal District Court in Miami Florida seeking damages from Air France and other companies connected with …

Air France, Insurers Sue Continental

Air France and La Réunion Aérienne (LRA), the consortium of insurers that covered the Concorde, that crashed outside of Paris on July 25th, killing all aboard, have filed suit in a French Commercial Court against Continental Airlines for reimbursement of …

Concorde Crash Lawyers Near Filing Lawsuits in U.S.

The two German lawyers representing the families of victims of the Concorde air disaster are reportedly close to filing compensation claims in the U.S. While settlement talks with Air France are continuing, the differences in damage awards between U.S. and …

The Hartford, AGF Group Enter Exclusive Negotiations for Zwolsche Sale

The Hartford Financial Services Group Inc has entered into exclusive negotiations with Assurances Generales de France to sell its Zwolsche Algemeene subsidiary in the Netherlands. Zwolsche, which had 1999 revenues of $375 million and net income of $37 million, is …

AXA Moves to Strengthen Core Business After Sale of DLJ

At the end of August, AXA Financial (AXF), the unit of France’s AXA Group that controls its U.S. subsidiaries, agreed to sell its 71 percent stake in the investment bank Donaldson Lufkin and Jenrette (DLJ) to Credit Swiss First Boston …

Success For St. Paul With U.K. Lawyers

The St. Paul Companies have had considerable success with their professional liability policy for English and Welsh lawyers. Since receiving the designation “qualifying insurer” last January from the Law Society of England and Wales, it’s booked £50 million ($71 million) …

French Investigators Issue Preliminary Report on Concorde Crash

A preliminary report, issued by the Bureau Enquete Accidents (BEA) of the French Ministry of Transport, which is investigating the crash of an Air France Concorde on takeoff from Charles de Gaulle airport on July 25th, confirmed most of the …

Skandia Tops Brand Value Survey

The Swedish based financial services and life insurer, Skandia, whose most important international market is the U.S., where it is the number one writer of variable annuity products, has received another number one selection. A survey, just released by U.K. …