fraudulent instruction News

Call Me, Maybe? The Stealth Disappearance of Social Engineering and Fraudulent Instruction Coverage

Anyone who owns a cellphone or uses an email address has received a communication from a scammer seeking to extract confidential information or trick the recipient into sending money to foreign countries. These attempts come in a variety of forms …

Fraudulent Instruction, Data Theft Trends to Continue in 2023: Beazley

Incidents of fraudulent instruction scams were up 13% in 2022, according to specialist insurer Beazley’s new Cyber Services Snapshot report. Under fraudulent instruction scams, criminals use hacking and phishing techniques to accumulate information that allows them to send plausible-looking requests …

Cyber Insurance Claims from Fraudulent Instruction Scams Rise: Beazley

Organizations are being forced to deal with an increased threat to their operations from fraudulent instruction scams, according to specialist insurer Beazley’s most recent Breach Report. According to the insurer, fraudulent instruction incidents reported to Beazley Breach Response Services quadrupled …

Beazley Introduces Fraudulent Instruction Insurance

Beazley has introduced fraudulent instruction insurance, a new coverage to address losses from the transfer of funds as a result of fraudulent instructions from a person purporting to be a vendor, client or authorized employee. The new endorsement, which has …