Friends of the Earth News

Climate Activists Behind Landmark Shell Verdict Set Sights on 30 Multinationals

The Dutch wing of environmental group Friends of the Earth, which won a landmark court case against Royal Dutch Shell last year, demanded 30 corporations publish plans for big cuts in greenhouse gas emissions in a campaign launched on Thursday. …

Shell Fights Landmark Case Alleging Its Climate Change Stance Harms Human Rights

Royal Dutch Shell Plc is in court in The Hague for the final hearing in a landmark case that could force it to reduce its carbon footprint. The case brought by the Dutch arm of Friends of the Earth, Milieudefensie, …

Shell Faces Climate Change Lawsuit in Dutch Court

AMSTERDAM – Environmental activists took Royal Dutch Shell to court on Tuesday, demanding the energy firm drastically reduce the production of oil and gas to limit its effects on climate change. Seven activist groups, including Greenpeace and Friends of the …

Feds Ignore Risk of Huge Gulf Spills to Endangered Species, Suit Says

Environmental groups asked a federal court on Oct. 21 to throw out the Trump administration’s assessment of oil and gas activity’s likely effects on endangered species in the Gulf of Mexico, saying it dismisses the chance of another disastrous blowout …

Activists’ Study Doubts Safety at California Nuke Plant

A report commissioned by an environmental group warned Tuesday that running California’s San Onofre nuclear plant at reduced power would not resolve problems with badly worn tubing that have kept its twin reactors offline for more than three months – …

Nuclear Plant Problems in California

The utility that runs California’s San Onofre nuclear plant misled federal regulators about equipment and design changes that are the likely cause of extensive wear on tubing that carries radioactive water, a report commissioned by an environmental group claimed Tuesday. …