Fukushima News

Factbox: U.S.-India Nuclear Deal Designed to Address Industry Liability

The nuclear “breakthrough understanding” between President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Narendra Modi seeks to allay U.S. concerns about industry liability and unlock billions of dollars in investments into Indian power projects. Here’s a Q&A that lays out some of …

Obama’s Visit to India Ignites Nuclear Accident Liability Debate

It’s a $182 billion question for India with no easy answer. That’s the estimated amount the country plans to spend on nuclear power plants to meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s pledge to provide around-the-clock electricity, and end the nation’s blackout …

Judge: Sailors Can Sue California Company Over Fukushima Exposure

U.S. Navy personnel who were exposed to radiation from Japan’s wrecked Fukushima plant during earthquake and tsunami relief efforts in 2011 can sue the power station’s operator in California, a court ruled. U.S. District Judge Janis L. Sammartino in San …

RIMS in Southern California Touts Risks

Risk managers will play a greater role in strategic planning in the near future, according to a report issued on Monday. That was among the plethora of risk related information delivered at the annual Risk and Insurance Management Society conference …

Japan Marks One Year Since Earthquake – Tsunami Disaster

People across Japan prayed and stood in silence on Sunday to remember the massive earthquake and tsunami that struck the nation one year ago, killing just over 19,000 people and unleashing the world’s worst nuclear crisis in a quarter century. …

U.S. Regulators to Issue Post-Fukushima Safety Rules

As the first anniversary of Japan’s Fukushima nuclear disaster approaches, U.S. nuclear regulators have moved to issue the first new rules to deal with safety issues raised by the world’s worst nuclear accident in 25 years, according to agency filings. …

Japan Nuclear Plant Planned Review of Tsunami Risk- But Too Late

Four days before a tsunami devastated a Japanese nuclear plant, its operator promised a fuller assessment of the risk of such a disaster — but not for seven months. The disclosure in a three-page briefing paper obtained by The Associated …

Japan Governor Wants Nuclear Safety Pledge in Writing

Japanese governor Tokihiro Nakamura believes nuclear power is vital for the resource-poor land, but even he says the central government must put safety pledges in writing before he’ll agree to restart off-line reactors — a sign of the tough battle …

Report: Engineers Knew Tsunami Could Overwhelm Fukushima Plant