G20 News

World Economies Prepare for Panic after Greek Elections

Authorities in the world’s major economies are preparing for a possible market storm or public panic after cliffhanger Greek elections this weekend, officials said on Thursday, should radical leftists win and cast doubt on the nation’s future in the euro …

German Chancellor Merkel Rejects ‘Miracle Solutions;’ Spain’s Debt Costs Soar

Chancellor Angela Merkel rebuffed pressure on Thursday for Germany, Europe’s most powerful economy, to underwrite debt or guarantee bank deposits in the euro zone, as Spain’s soaring borrowing costs raised new alarm. Spain’s 10-year bond yield hit a euro lifetime …

France, Germany Give Greece Ultimatum on Euro

The leaders of Germany and France told Greece on Wednesday it would not receive another cent in European aid until it decides whether it wants to stay in the euro zone. They also made clear that saving the euro was …

Climate Aid Progress May End Kyoto Rancor

U.N. climate talks resume in Panama next week, but expect more action in Cape Town 10 days later, where an informal panel will quietly agree the outlines of a climate fund which could surpass lending by the World Bank. Climate …

Insurers Seek Separation from Banks for Systemic Risk Regulation

U.S. insurance company trade groups have sent a letter to President Obama requesting his assistance with G20 leaders in efforts to de-link insurers from the timelines for identification of globally systemically important financial institutions from the Financial Stability Board’s (FSB) …

ICC Denounces Growing Protectionist Trend in G20 Countries

The Paris-based International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has issued a statement urging G20 leaders to “keep markets open to trade, following worrying results from a recently released WTO-OECD-UNCTAD report that G20 countries are increasing protectionist measures.” The joint report by …