G7 talks News

G7’s Price Cap on Russia Oil Takes Shape but Will Russia Sidestep Insurance Rules?

The Group of Seven countries is working to cap the price of Russian oil in an attempt to limit Moscow’s ability to fund its invasion of Ukraine, a plan analysts say could work in the long term but might boost …

G7 Expected to Advance Russia Oil Price Cap Plans With Insurance Playing Key Role

Group of Seven finance ministers are expected to firm up plans on Friday to impose a price cap on Russian oil aimed at slashing revenues for Moscow’s war in Ukraine but keeping crude flowing to avoid price spikes, G7 officials …

G7 Leaders Vow to Combat Surging Ransomware Attacks Against Financial Services

Financial leaders of the world’s seven biggest economies on Tuesday vowed to fight rising ransomware attacks amid the COVID-19 pandemic, and said no stablecoin operation should start until it is properly regulated. In a joint statement, the finance officials of …

G7 Agenda: Growth, Financial Reform, Trade

Top finance officials from the Group of Seven economies will discuss ways to nurture the global economic recovery and push ahead with financial reform when they meet on Friday and Saturday, Britain’s finance minister said. “We will be talking about …

Sidelined G7 Finance Chiefs to Discuss Financial Reforms

Some of the world’s most powerful finance chiefs will meet in an English stately home on Friday and Saturday to try to speed up banking and finance reforms, with Cyprus’ near meltdown fresh in their minds. Finance ministers and central …