gay wedding cake News

Supreme Court Returns Gay Wedding, Religion Rights Case to State

The U.S. Supreme Court ordered reconsideration of a $135,000 award against an Oregon bakery that refused to make a cake for a same-sex wedding in a case that revived a fractious debate over religious rights and equal treatment. After more …

Supreme Court Says Colorado Erred in Gay Wedding Cake Case

The U.S. Supreme Court threw out a finding that a Colorado baker illegally discriminated when he refused to make a cake to celebrate a same-sex wedding. The narrow ruling didn’t reach the broad free-speech and religious-rights issues that had prompted …

Beyond Wedding Cakes: LGBT Lawsuits Challenge Employee, Business, Religious Rights

A flood of lawsuits over LGBT rights is making its way through courts and will continue, no matter the outcome in the Supreme Court’s highly anticipated decision in the case of a Colorado baker who would not create a wedding …