A Year after GDPR, How Can U.S. Insurers Prepare for Data Privacy Regs Closer to Home?

More than a year after the European Union implemented its General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), U.S. insurers are examining what they can learn as they prepare for the implementation of similar data privacy laws in New York and California. “With …

Anxiety, Policy Limits Rising Ahead of California’s Sweeping Data Privacy Law

Robert L. Wallan’s clients are keeping him quite busy as they fret about the implementation next year of the nation’s most far-reaching data privacy law, which gives California consumers more control over their personal data. Wallan, a partner in Pillsbury …

California Bills Would Add More Punch to Consumer Data Protection Law

Professionals in the cyber arena could find themselves quite busy in the near future with the possibility of California consumers gaining even more power to sue corporations for mishandling personal data under two recently introduced bills in state Legislature. California …

Five Key Takeaways from California’s Watershed Privacy Law

California recently enacted a sweeping new privacy law, the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018, which is likely to have broad implications for organizations providing services to, or collecting data from, California consumers. The CCPA, enacted on June 28, shares …

California’s Data Privacy Law a Concern, Opportunity for Insurance Industry

California is on track to have what will be the nation’s most far-reaching law to give consumers more control over their personal data. The new law may be both a big concern, as well as a new and important opportunity, …