Geithner News

Former FDIC Chair Bair Reveals Financial Bailout Details in Book

When Sheila Bair showed up for a meeting in then-Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson’s office in October 2008, the bank regulator had no idea she was about to be asked to guarantee the debts of the entire $13 trillion U.S. banking …

More Transparency Urged for U.S. Financial Oversight Units

The new U.S. financial risk council should publicly share more details about its closed-door meetings on emerging risks to markets, a congressional watchdog report has found. The Government Accountability Office said the Financial Stability Oversight Council, a group made up …

Geithner Hits Attempts to Weaken Wall Street Reforms

U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said on Thursday that opponents of financial-sector reform were trying to sabotage efforts to strengthen the system against crisis. “With millions of Americans still struggling to find work…and even in the face of the European …

U.S. Oversight Council Urged to Be More Transparent

The U.S. risk council is hiding documents and needs to be more transparent in how it chooses which insurers and other major non-bank financial firms pose a risk to the financial system, lawmakers said on Thursday. Among the key decisions …

Geithner Argues Healthcare Repeal Bad for Business

Repealing the new healthcare law would be a setback for millions who have gained coverage and be bad for business, U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said Wednesday as the House of Representatives prepared to vote to do just that. “Repealing …

AIG Recapitalization Deal Closes

The recapitalization of bailed-out insurer American International Group Inc. closed last Friday, leaving the government with a 92 percent stake that it plans to sell quickly. Bankers were buzzing Friday about how soon that might happen, with at least one …