gender parity News

UK Finance Watchdog Plans on Diversity Targets a ‘Bad Idea,’ Minister Says

Plans by Britain’s financial regulator to require firms to set targets for improving diversity could be counterproductive, UK business and women minister Kemi Badenoch said on Thursday. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Bank of England’s Prudential Regulation Authority …

Women in UK Financial Services Earn One-Third Less Than Male Colleagues: Data Show

Some of Britain’s top financial firms pay women 28.8% less on average than male counterparts, salary data from 21 companies reviewed by Reuters shows, even though they say they are striving to hire more females for higher-paid, senior roles. Banks, …

Britain’s Financial Services Sector Faces Long Haul to Gender Parity, Report Says

Britain’s banks and other financial firms are boosting the number of women in senior management roles, but unless the pace quickens, it will take until 2038 to reach gender parity, the finance ministry said on Thursday. The ministry’s Women in …

Progress Slows on Path to Gender Parity in the Board Room

Almost extinct are the days when only men sat on U.S. corporate boards. But the speed at which boards have brought more women to the table has slowed, and it’s likely to be a decade before boards are evenly split …