Geopolitical Risks News

Iran Blames Israel for Explosion that Damaged Container Ship in Mediterranean

Iran said Israel was likely behind an explosion that damaged an Iranian container ship in the Mediterranean last week, as the longtime foes trade accusations of attacks at sea. “The geographical location of the sabotage operation directs the first suspicion …

UK Prime Minister Warns Climate Change Is Threat to World Security

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson warned world leaders Tuesday that climate change is a threat to security of all nations and sharply criticized people across the globe who say this is “green stuff from a bunch of tree-hugging, tofu-munchers and …

Businesses Should Take the Lead on COVID-19 Recovery, Climate Crisis: UN Chief

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Monday [Jan. 25] urged businesses to lead the way to a fair and sustainable recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic while tackling the climate crisis, adding the world had reached “a moment of truth.” Addressing a …

$584B at Risk From Cat Events in 2020: University of Cambridge Study

Providing an annual update of its study of the impact of catastrophic events on global GDP, researchers from the University of Cambridge find that roughly $584 billion could be wiped from the global economy from such events in 2020. According …

Geopolitical Tensions Cause Rise in Political Risk Losses: Willis Towers Watson Report

Increasing geopolitical concerns are causing a rise in political risk exposures with 55 percent of global organizations with revenues greater than $1 billion experiencing at least one political risk loss exceeding a value of $100 million, according to a survey …

Business, Political Leaders List Cyber Attacks, Geopolitical Tensions as Top Concerns: WEF Survey

The threat of large-scale cyber attacks and a “deteriorating geopolitical landscape” since the election of U.S. President Donald Trump have jumped to the top of the global elite’s list of concerns, the World Economic Forum said ahead of its annual …

XL Catlin in Iberia Taps Marsh’s Herrero as Head of Political Risk, Credit & Bond

XL Catlin’s insurance operation in Iberia announced new local underwriting capabilities with the appointment of Santiago Herrero as head of Political Risk, Credit & Bond (PRCB) – Iberia. Herrero will be based in Madrid and reports to Dan Riordan, XL …

Unemployment Is Top Business Risk, Says WEF Survey, Published by Zurich, Marsh

Unemployment is the biggest risk for businesses globally, according to a World Economic Forum survey of business leaders published on Wednesday. The company executives put unemployment or underemployment as the top risk over the next 10 years, followed by fiscal …

Political Risk Tops List of Worries for Insurers Across Globe: GS Survey

Political risk is the biggest concern this year for insurers globally, following several shock outcomes in 2016, a survey of insurers managing $10 trillion in assets showed on Thursday. Political events have overtaken issues such as worries about an economic …

Global Protectionism Risks Economic Growth: Zurich, Atlantic Council

A rise in global protectionism stemming from a backlash against free trade and globalization could have significant impact on economic growth, poverty levels and the potential for military conflict, according to a new report from the Atlantic Council and Zurich …