George Floyd’s death News

Owners Say Insurance Inadequate to Cover Demolition of Riot-Destroyed Buildings

Some commercial property owners whose businesses were torched by rioters are learning that they don’t have enough insurance to clear away the debris. The StarTribune newspaper reported that many property owners in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area purchased policies that limit …

4 Indicted for Minneapolis Police Station Fire

Four people have been indicted for allegedly helping to burn down a Minneapolis police station during the protests over the death of George Floyd, U.S. Attorney Erica MacDonald said. The complaint charges 22-year-old Dylan Robinson, 24-year-old Davon Turner, 26-year-old Bryce …

Reuters Finds Disparity in How Judges Apply Qualified Immunity

The May 25 killing of George Floyd, a Black man, by a Minneapolis cop has prompted calls for an end to “qualified immunity,” a legal doctrine that in recent years has increasingly helped cops beat back lawsuits that accuse them …

Minnesota Governor Makes Another Request for Federal Aid to Rebuild After Unrest

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz is again asking for federal help to rebuild from the unrest that followed George Floyd’s death. Walz said Monday he has requested a U.S. Small Business Administration disaster declaration that would free up low-interest loans to …