George W. Bush News

Hearing Set for Ballot Challenge by Miss. Commissioner Dale

A judge has scheduled arguments for April 27 in a court challenge filed by Mississippi Insurance Commissioner George Dale against the Mississippi Democratic Party’s decision to keep him off the Aug. 7 ballot. Circuit Judge Henry L. Lackey of Calhoun …

Miss. Supreme Court Assigns Judges to Hear Candidate Challenges

The Mississippi Supreme Court has assigned judges to hear challenges by candidates disqualified by political parties for statewide or legislative office. Most of those removed from the ballot filed as Democrats, but there is one Republican. At the head of …

It Figures

$309 Million The Federal Emergency Management Administration has determined nearly 70,000 households wrongly received $309.1 million in grants related to Hurricane Katrina recovery efforts, and officials acknowledge those numbers are likely to rise. According to the Associated Press, in the …


No need to be unkind “It’s not a popular position. I’ve had people who have said unkind things. I’ve had people who say I need to be replaced.” — Arkansas State Sen. Kim Hendren, R-Gravette, commenting on the unlikelihood that …


No need to be unkind “It’s not a popular position. I’ve had people who have said unkind things. I’ve had people who say I need to be replaced.” — Arkansas State Sen. Kim Hendren, R-Gravette, commenting on the unlikelihood that …


$309 Million The Federal Emergency Management Administration has determined nearly 70,000 households wrongly received $309.1 million in grants related to Hurricane Katrina recovery efforts, and officials acknowledge those numbers are likely to rise. According to the Associated Press, in the …

U.S. Wants $309M in Katrina Hurricane Aid Returned

In the New Orleans neighborhood President George W. Bush visited after Hurricane Katrina, the U.S. government gave $84.5 million to more than 10,000 households. But official figures show fewer than 8,000 homes existed there at the time. Now the government …

Southwest Okla. Lawmakers Urge Gov. to Issue Disaster Declaration

State lawmakers representing southwest Oklahoma are urging Gov. Brad Henry to include Comanche and Tillman counties in his request for a major federal disaster declaration, the Oklahoma House of Representatives reported. “Given how much damage the ice storms did in …

La. Gov. Criticizes Bush for No Mention of Hurricane Recovery in Speech

Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco angrily criticized President George W. Bush on Jan. 24 for leaving out of his State of the Union speech any mention of the hurricanes that devastated Louisiana in 2005 and complained that her state is being …

Congress Prepares to Tackle Global Warming Legislation

Potential presidential rivals Republican Sen. John McCain and Democratic Sen. Barack Obama are joining with newly independent Sen. Joe Lieberman on a plan they say would reduce global-warming gases by two-thirds over the next four decades. Their bill, being announced …