George W. Bush News

Texas Legislature Moves Few Bills

It will likely come as no surprise to those who have been following the Texas Legislature this session that very few insurance-related bills are expected to make it out of committee. At least it’s no surprise Bo Gilbert, legislative liaison …

NAFTA Panel: U.S. in Violation of Treaty

On Feb. 6, a North American Free Trade Agreement arbitration panel upheld an interim ruling opening the United States border to Mexican trucks. Many in the insurance industry say they will cautiously review the changes the ruling will bring, while …

Trade Panel: U.S. Violated NAFTA

An arbitration panel ruled unanimously Tuesday that the United States violated the North American Free Trade Agreement by barring Mexican trucks from most of its highways. But it said the United States can require Mexican truckers to meet U.S. safety …


Presidential candidates George W. Bush and Al Gore are being urged by the National Association of Independent Insurers to maintain the moratorium against granting Mexican trucks full access to American highways until compliance with U.S. safety, insurance and competency standards …

Insurance Groups Voice NAFTA Concerns

The provisions of the North American Free Trade Agreement have been in place for several years, but Mexico and the U.S. have yet to simplify cross-border shipping by implementing a feasible cross-border insurance system similar to that with Canada. The …

NAFTA Moratorium Continuation Urged

Presidential candidates George W. Bush and Al Gore are being urged by the National Association of Independent Insurers (NAII) to maintain the moratorium against granting Mexican trucks full access to American highways until compliance with U.S. safety, insurance and competency …

Craiglow, Larouere Join IIAA Communications Team

The Independent Insurance Agents of America (IIAA) has added two new media professionals to its communications team-Kevin Craiglow as manager of consumer media and Nicole Larouere as manager of industry and member communications. Prior to joining IIAA, Craiglow served as …

Gov. Bush’s Peace of Mind Insurance

Texas governor and Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush unveiled a “peace of mind” insurance plan Wednesday to help fight the cost of long-term health care. The plan calls for a tax exemption of $2,750 for each elderly spouse, relative …

Bush To Propose Nursing Home Bill

Presidential candidate George W. Bush will unveil today a proposal to offer tax incentives to buy insurance for nursing home care and financial relief for people who care for a parent or elderly person at home. The idea was fueled …