George W. Bush News

Obama Presidency Could Dramatically Influence Courts, Vanderbilt Professor Says

As President Barack Obama takes office, not only will the political landscape shift in this country, but the judicial landscape will as well. Empirical research from Vanderbilt professor of law and political science Tracey George shows how the U.S. court …

Obama Inauguration is a Global Event

For the past 100 years or so the election of a new American President has been more than just a local event. But the inauguration of Barack Obama as the nation’s 44th president has taken on a special importance. It …

Obama Presidency Could Dramatically Influence Courts, Vanderbilt Prof Says

When Barack Obama becomes president, not only will the political landscape shift in this country, but the judicial landscape will as well. Empirical research from Vanderbilt professor of law and political science Tracey George shows how the United States court …

President Provides Federal Aid for Hawaii Storms

President George W. Bush has declared Oahu and Kauai disaster areas, an action that provides federal aid to individuals and businesses, and for repair of public facilities damaged by mid-December storms. The aid does not apply to damage caused by …

Despite Financial Crisis, Climate Change Concerns Continue

“This year’s climate change agenda has, if nothing else, highlighted that next year will be hard going for those wishing to set global agreement for action against climate change,” states a recent article on Lloyd’s web site ( The article …

2008 Quotes to Remember… and Forget

“You always find out who’s been swimming naked when the tide goes out. We found out that Wall Street has been kind of a nudist beach.” —Warren Buffett on the credit crisis “As a strong supporter of free enterprise, I …

SEC Moves to Regulate Some Equity Indexed Annuities

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission voted on Wednesday to begin scrutinizing annuities linked to equity indexes, a complex financial product the agency says falls into a regulatory no-man’s land. The 4-1 vote by the SEC immediately drew a sharp …

Ambitions for 2009 UN Climate Pact Fade in Poznan

Recession and the change of U.S. administration make it unlikely the world will meet a 2009 deadline for agreeing a full new pact to fight global warming, delegates at UN climate talks say. A year ago, 190 nations signed up …

Texas Woman Convicted of Insurance Fraud Among Bush Pardons

President George W. Bush has granted pardons to 14 individuals, including a Texas woman sentenced in 1998 for her part in an insurance fraud scheme. Brenda Jean Dolenz-Helmer of Fort Worth, Texas, was convicted of concealing knowledge of a crime. …

Bush Briefed, U.S. Consulting Allies on Somali Pirate Menace

President George W. Bush has been briefed about increasing attacks by Somali pirates off east Africa, and the United States is consulting with other U.N. Security Council members on ways to combat the threat, the White House said Wednesday. Calling …