Georgia crop losses News

Nearly 80% of Georgia Peach Crop Wiped Out by Weather

Georgia’s peach crop is suffering much worse than expected after an overly warm winter and a hard freeze in early spring. Agriculture Commissioner Gary Black told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution at the end of May that nearly 80 percent of the …

Extreme Drought Hurting Crops in Parts of Georgia

Georgia’s ongoing drought – combined with above-average heat – is taking a toll on some crops in the state, authorities said. Crops feeling the effects of the brutal weather include peanuts, corn and hay, WSB Radio reported “It’s kind of …

Georgia Crops Threatened by Warm Winter Weather

Georgia farmers have endured a winter that wouldn’t start and rains that wouldn’t quit. The state’s pecan, peach and blueberry crops have been threatened by too many warm days and too much water, growers across Georgia said recently. The final …