Germany lawsuits VW diesel News

German Court Backs Damages Claims Against VW, Providing Clarity for 60,000 Cases

A German court has ruled that Volkswagen must buy back cars from owners of its diesel cars equipped with software that evaded emissions testing – but but consumers must accept the current value of the car based on the mileage …

German Judge Casts Doubt on VW’s Defense in Landmark Diesel-Damages Case

A German federal court judge cast doubt on Volkswagen’s reasoning after the carmaker urged the court to dismiss a claim for damages brought by an owner of a diesel powered VW Sharan family van. Tuesday’s proceedings were the first time …

VW’s Porsche Unit to Pay $599M to End German Probe into Rigged Diesel Engines

Volkswagen AG’s Porsche sportscar unit agreed to pay 535 million euros ($599 million) to end a probe into rigged diesel engines, bringing the total amount of fines in its home country to more than 2.3 billion euros. The carmaker won’t …

VW Wins Diesel Emissions Case in Germany Brought by Customer Who Plans Appeal

A German court on Tuesday ruled in favor of Volkswagen in a case brought by a customer seeking compensation for having bought a diesel car affected by emissions cheating, but the plaintiff’s lawyer plans to appeal. A lower court in …

VW’s Audi Unit Slapped with $925M Fine in Germany over Emissions Scandal

Volkswagen AG’s Audi unit agreed to pay an 800 million-euro ($926 million) fine for its role in the diesel-cheating scandal that has disrupted the car industry for more than three years and landed Audi’s longtime leader in jail. The penalty …

German Consumer Agency to Seek Damages Against Volkswagen Over Diesel Tests

Volkswagen will face another class action lawsuit over its rigging of diesel emissions tests, this time at home when Germany introduces a new law in November. State-financed consumer protection organization vzbv said on Wednesday it would undertake “pioneering work” with …

Porsche Denies Liability as Investor Lawsuits Mount Over VW Diesel Scandal

Porsche Holding SE was caught up in the Volkswagen AG emissions debacle as investors raced to file German lawsuits ahead of the one-year anniversary of the scandal. A group of institutional investors filed a pair of lawsuits, seeking 2.8 billion …