Glass-Steagall News

Treasury Secretary Lew Urges Congress Not to Change Dodd-Frank Reforms

U.S. Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew said he is “stepping on the accelerator” to implement the Dodd-Frank Act and warned lawmakers against trying to change the financial rules overhaul. “Members of Congress who want to alter financial reform before it …

Bipartisan Senate Megabank Bill Would Split Banking from Insurance, Other Risks

A small bipartisan group of U.S. senators on Thursday introduced legislation that would break up Wall Street’s megabanks by separating traditional banking activity from riskier financial services. The bill, called the 21st Century Glass-Steagall Act, has an uncertain future, but …

Former Citigroup Chief Weill Surprises with Call for Break-Up of Big Banks

Sanford “Sandy” Weill, the tycoon who built financial conglomerate Citigroup Inc. into a massive U.S. commercial and investment bank, said it is time to split up the biggest banks so they can go back to growing again. The comments were …