global warming News

More Americans Believe World is Warming: Reuters Poll

More Americans than last year believe the world is warming and the change is likely influenced by the Republican presidential debates, a Reuters/Ipsos poll said Thursday. The percentage of Americans who believe the Earth has been warming rose to 83 …

Study Forecasts Ice Melt Will Close off Arctic’s Interior Riches

Global warming will likely open up coastal areas in the Arctic to development but close vast regions of the northern interior to forestry and mining by mid-century as ice and frozen soil under temporary winter roads melt, researchers said. Higher …

Arguments over Agenda Stall U.N. Climate Talks

U.N. climate talks remained deadlocked on Wednesday over a debate on the agenda for negotiations, with developing countries pushing hard for a greater focus on the fate of the Kyoto Protocol. The April 3-8 talks in the Thai capital are …

SPECIAL REPORT: Extreme Weather Batters Insurance Industry

In Chester County, South Carolina, off a dirt road in the middle of a field, insurance companies are literally unleashing a storm. To simulate hurricane-like conditions, an industry group has built a wind tunnel big enough to accommodate nine large …

Climate Skeptics Remain Unpersuaded by Extra-warm 2010

Remember 2010? U.S. and international scientists reckon it tied for the warmest year on record, supporting findings of unequivocal global climate change, but despite the evidence climate skeptics remain unconvinced. Those who study the climate skeptic position say this raises …

New Climate Data from WMO Shows World is Warming

Last year tied for the hottest year on record, confirming a long-term warming trend, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said on Thursday, and future warming depended on action to cut greenhouse gas emissions. The first ten years of the millennium …