global warming News

Australian Companies Face New Liability for Nature-Based Risks

Australian companies and directors could face legal action if they fail to identify and account for nature-based risks, according to a new opinion backed by lawyers and environmental groups, released Thursday. Directors could be held personally liable for breaching their …

Faster Melting of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Is ‘Unavoidable’

The West Antarctic ice sheet is set to melt faster even if the world rapidly cuts emissions, according to a new study. That could lead to more significant sea level rise over the course of centuries. The West Antarctic ice …

Biggest Polluting Firms Failing on Short-Term Emissions Goals: Investor Pressure Group

Fewer than one in five of the world’s biggest polluting companies have short-term emissions reductions targets in line with keeping global temperature rises below 1.5 degrees Celsius, an investor pressure group said on Wednesday. The number of companies pledging to …

Rhine River’s Low Water Levels Provide ‘Further Evidence’ of Climate Change

The cost of shipping fuel along the Rhine river has surged as low water levels curb barges’ carrying capacity following a hot, dry September. The river is fed by glaciers and rain. But Alpine ice flows are declining each year …

UK Financial Watchdog Says Some Funds Mislead Investors With ESG Label

Britain’s financial watchdog said on Thursday it was having to “push back” against some investment funds that misleadingly attempt to label themselves as being focused on environmental, social and governance (ESG) based performance. Regulators across the world are seeking to …

Net-Zero Investor Group Reports Financing Activities Lead to Emissions Decline

A $9.5 trillion investor group that includes Allianz SE, Legal & General Plc and the California Public Employees’ Retirement System reported a modest decline in greenhouse gas emissions enabled by its members’ lending and investment activities, the first time it …

Banks Told to Review Clients in Historic ESG Crackdown in EU

Banks in Europe will need to adjust the risk assessments they conduct of their clients to reflect new ESG requirements enforced by their watchdog. In a world first, the European Banking Authority is revising the framework that sets industrywide capital …

Markets/Coverages: Howden Launches Climate Parametrics Practice to Help Clients Derisk Net-Zero Climate Transition

Howden, the London-based insurance group, announced the creation of Howden Climate Parametrics, a global practice that brings together re/insurance, climate, and data expertise to focus parametric risk transfer solutions on meeting the escalating demand for climate derisking capabilities across industries, …

Banks in EU Get World’s First ESG-Related Rewrite of Capital Rules

In a global first, Europe’s main bank regulator is revising the framework that sets capital requirements so that lenders reflect environmental and social risks in mandatory, industrywide buffers. The European Banking Authority has identified “some short-term fixes” to minimum requirements …

Use of Weather Derivatives Surges as Extreme Climate Events Rock the Globe

Energy companies, hedge funds and commodity traders are stepping up their use of financial products that let them bet on the weather, as they seek to protect themselves against – or profit from – the increasingly extreme global climate. On …