global warming News

French Insurer CNP to Stop Financing New Oil/Gas Projects to Help Limit Global Warming

France’s CNP Assurances CNPP.PA will no longer finance new oil and gas projects or invest more money in companies planning to do so, joining the growing ranks of insurers taking a more pro-active approach to tackling global warming. The company …

Corporate Climate Targets to Have Limited Impact on Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Report

Some of the world’s biggest companies have made climate targets that will have only a limited impact on their actual greenhouse gas emissions, a report has found. A study of 25 of the world’s largest companies, the Corporate Climate Responsibility …

NASA: Earth’s Temperature in 2021 Was 1.5 Degrees F Above Baseline

Earth’s global average surface temperatures in 2021 were 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit (0.85 degrees Celsius) above the average for NASA’s baseline period, a new report shows. The average tied with 2018 as the sixth warmest on record, according to an analysis …

Climate Change Litigation: Why Better Disclosure Is Vital as Cases Rise

With the effects of climate change becoming more palpable, a rise in climate litigation cases could have significant financial and reputational repercussions for corporates. Thomas Englerth, associate director at S&P Global Ratings, explores how the potential risks associated with this …

QBE Launches Sustainable Energies Unit to Support Clients’ Transition to Lower Carbon

QBE has launched a Sustainable Energies unit to support customers as they transition to lower carbon energy. The unit will align QBE underwriting capabilities across construction, operational, casualty and D&O lines, focusing on underwriting the growing range of companies and …

World’s Largest Asset Owners Pledge to Halve Emissions in Portfolios by 2030

A group of the world’s largest asset owners managing $10.4 trillion said on Tuesday they would step up their response to climate change and aimed to at least halve carbon emissions from their investment portfolios by 2030. The 69 members …

Aviva Broadens Sustainable Investments to Include Biodiversity, Human Rights

Leading British asset manager Aviva Investors plans to push boards for greater action on biodiversity and human rights so that companies consider “the whole picture of sustainability.” Alongside climate change, a core focus for most investors, Aviva’s move reflects growing …

Nearly 8-in-10 Executives Believe World Is at ‘Climate Change Tipping Point’

Two-thirds of executives say their companies are “very concerned” about climate change, and 79% believe the world is at “a climate change tipping point,” according to the recently released Deloitte 2022 CxO Sustainability Report. Deloitte polled more than 2,000 C-suite …

Net-Zero Insurers’ Climate-Friendly Plans to Exit Coal Impeded by Antitrust Laws

A group of the world’s biggest insurers and reinsurers jointly pledging to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions from their underwriting activities have run into an unexpected opponent of their planet-friendly mission: competition law. The Net-Zero Insurance Alliance, which counts AXA SA, …

UK High Court Throws Out Case Brought by Climate Activists Against Oil Regulator

A UK High Court on Tuesday threw out a case brought by climate activists against the country’s oil and gas regulator OGA, rejecting their argument that the OGA’s actions amount to a type of unlawful subsidy of the fossil fuel …