global warming News

UK Pushes G-7 Countries to Adopt Mandatory Climate Reporting for Big Companies

UK Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak is pushing the Group of Seven (G-7) economies to impose mandatory reporting of environmental risks on their big companies, people familiar with the matter said. Under the proposals, the biggest companies would report …

Warming Arctic Permafrost Will Make It Harder to Curb Climate Change: Study

The warming Arctic tundra will make it harder for the world to curb climate change, as thawing permafrost and wildfires release greenhouse gases that are not fully accounted for in global emissions agreements, a study said on Monday. As temperatures …

Climate Litigation Cases Booming After Paris Agreement – Often Led by Young Activists

Whatsapp chat rooms and Telegram channels across Germany lit up in the early hours of April 29. Young people frantically exchanged messages in a tone that went from disbelief to surprise to euphoria. The country’s highest court had just ruled …

UK Supports Global Deal to Stop Cross-Border Financing of Coal Projects

Britain wants to broker a global agreement to stop the cross-border financing of coal projects when it hosts a major climate conference in November, a senior government minister said on Friday. Alok Sharma, the minister in charge of preparations for …

Pennsylvania Takes Next Step to Start Carbon Emissions Caps in 2022

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf’s administration on Tuesday solidified its intention to begin imposing a price on greenhouse gas emissions from power plants next year as part of a multi-state consortium, over the protests of coal- and gas-region lawmakers and elements …

NOAA: Hot is the New U.S. Climate Normal

It’s hot, get used to it. That might be the clearest takeaway from a message out from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration on Tuesday, which gave us a glimpse of the “new normal” in a changing climate. NOAA releases …

Climate Change Activists Protest at Lloyd’s of London, Dumping a Load of ‘Coal’

Lloyd’s of London was the focus of climate change activists on Friday, when a group called “Insurance Rebellion” used a dump truck to deposit a large pile of fake coal in front of the Lloyd’s headquarters on One Lime Street. …

Kenya Startup Pula Offers Insurance to African Farmers Hit by Effects of Climate Change

KITUI, Kenya – When Kenyan farmer Waki Munyalo’s crop of lentils shrank by three quarters last year because of unusually low rainfall, disaster was averted thanks to a simple remedy that was previously unavailable to most African farmers – insurance. …

‘Insure Our Future’ Pressures Lloyd’s to ‘Immediately Stop’ Insuring Fossil Fuel Projects

Insure our Future, the anti-fossil-fuel campaign group, is pressuring Lloyd’s to immediately stop insuring coal and new oil and gas projects that exacerbate climate change. The group has launched a website, which is aimed at “concerned staff at Lloyd’s … …

UN Summit to Seek Support from Insurers, Bankers to Stem Loss of Global Biodiversity

Organizers of a United Nations summit where world leaders will seek to negotiate an accord for nature akin to the Paris climate agreement want banks and fund managers to play their part in protecting the planet’s biodiversity. Ahead of the …