global warming News

Failure to Act on Climate Change Could Make Weather Risks Uninsurable: Swiss Re

Global warming will lead to growing intensity and frequency of severe weather events, rising losses, as well as greater uncertainty in the assessment of these events by the insurance industry, which could make some weather risks uninsurable, according to a …

Exxon Loses Jurisdiction Fight in Massachusetts Climate Suit

Exxon Mobil Corp. suffered a setback in a climate change case when a federal judge ruled that a consumer protection lawsuit filed by Massachusetts should go back to state court. U.S. District Judge William G. Young in Boston on Tuesday …

Report: Climate Change Requires a ‘Rethink’ of How Catastrophic Events are Funded

Severe weather events and demographic challenges will continue to strain government finances, a trend that will require “a rethink of how catastrophic events are funded” and push the need for greater use of public-private partnerships to manage risk, a new …

After Australia’s 2019 Floods, Insurers Begin to Bail, Banks Keep Lending

Only a year after losing their homes to floods in parts of Australia’s north eastern coast of Queensland, people are moving into new houses built on or near the same plots. But while banks have been only too willing to …

Australia Faces Worsening Bushfires Without Climate Change Action: Report

Australia risks worse wildfires than this season’s record-breaking blazes unless it reduces emissions and phases out fossil-fuel exports, climate scientists warned. In a report titled “Summer of Crisis,” the Climate Council lobby group said Australian governments ignored warnings from scientists …

One U.S. State May Look at Insurers’ Fossil Fuel Investments and Underwriting to Combat Climate Change

A Connecticut lawmaker has plans for a bill that not only calls for the state to look at which insurers have fossil fuel investments – a growing trend among government entities as of late – but also which ones are …

Climate Change Heightens Risk of Fierce Australia Wildfires: Study

Climate change is adding to the risk of fierce wildfires in Australia, according to a scientific study of this season’s blazes that razed an area the size of England and killed dozens of people and more than a billion animals. …

Bank of England’s Carney Warns Investors to Get Serious About Climate Change

In a world facing a climate crisis, investors need to start taking account of carbon emissions and rising temperatures in their decisions, according to Bank of England Governor Mark Carney. The shift in thinking will be key to the industry’s …

Singapore Prepares for Worst of Climate Change with $72B Defense Plan

Singapore has a reputation for planning ahead. When it comes to climate change, it’s planning for the worst. While governments around the world are struggling to meet the goals of the Paris agreement — keeping the global temperature increase to …

How One County Plans to Vet Insurers for Fossil Fuel Investments

“We have front row seats,” said Elise Jones, a Boulder County commissioner. Jones along with two other commissioners oversees government affairs in the Colorado county of 330,000 or so at the base of the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. Her …