global warming News

Global Warming Exceeded Benchmark Over 12-Month Period for First Time on Record

Global warming exceeded temperatures of 1.5 degrees C over a 12-month period for the first time in record keeping. The European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service released its findings in its Global Climate Highlights 2023 report on Thursday, calling out …

January Was World’s Hottest on Record: EU Scientists

The world just experienced its hottest January on record, continuing a run of exceptional heat fueled by climate change, the European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) said on Thursday. Last month surpassed the previous warmest January, which occurred in …

EU Needs Trillions of Investments to Meet 2050 Climate Target: Research

The European Union will need 1.5 trillion euros ($1.6 trillion) per year of investments to meet its 2050 net zero emissions target, research backed by Green EU lawmakers said on Monday. The European Commission is set to recommend next week …

Climate Change Poses Significant Risk for South African Insurers: Old Mutual

Climate change poses the most significant threat for South African insurance companies and risks raising premiums and the cost of reinsurance, a top official at its biggest insurer by assets said. After staying almost flat in the decade to 2020, …

Former Allianz Execs Raise Funds for Carbon Credit-Backed Insurance

An insurance start-up founded by three former Allianz executives that aims to guarantee companies buying carbon credits get the permits they’ve paid for has closed the biggest European climate-focused seed funding round in more than a year. CarbonPool raised 10.5 …

Climate Change Drives Amazon Rainforest’s Record Drought: Study

Climate change is the main culprit for a record drought in the Amazon rainforest that has drained rivers, killed endangered dolphins and upended life for millions of people in the region, according to a study released on Wednesday. Global warming …

Study: Manmade Warming Increasing Drought in Western U.S.

Manmade warming has increased the prevalence and severity of concurrent drought and heat events, also termed hot droughts, across Western North America in the 20th-21st century, a new report shows. The authors of the report developed the Western North American …

Melting Greenland Has Lost 1 Trillion Tons More Ice Than Previously Thought

The Greenland ice sheet, an expanse of frozen water about three times the size of Texas, is disappearing much faster than previously thought, according to new research, and the difference may already be affecting the distribution of heat around the …

Near Record Jump in CO2 Emissions This Year Risks Climate Goal

Carbon dioxide emissions are on track for one of the biggest increases on record this year, pushing the planet closer to catastrophic climate change. That jump is the result human-induced pollution, plus the El Niño weather pattern, which weakens the …

Shell’s Appeal of Landmark Climate Ruling to Begin in April

Shell Plc’s appeal against a landmark ruling that ordered the oil and gas giant to cut its carbon emissions by 45% over the next decade will begin in April. The London-based oil and gas giant is seeking to reverse what …