global warming News

Go Ahead and Start a Climate Change Debate at the Thanksgiving Table

When you pass the turkey gravy on Thursday consider stuffing a hunk of climate change discourse down your uncle Jeb’s gullet. Let him stew until he’s good and fermented, then agitate as needed to see the fruits of your labor. …

Europe’s Re/Insurers Cut Coal Investments by $20B; U.S. Firms Fail to Act: Report

Insurers have pulled $20 billion out of coal investments, but most are European and none of the top nine U.S. insurers has taken “meaningful action,” campaign group Unfriend Coal said on Wednesday. Government representatives and officials at this week’s U.N. …

Growing Climate Risks May Be ‘Impossible to Model’ – and Ultimately Uninsurable

After one of the worst Atlantic hurricane seasons in history, the world’s biggest insurers say the industry needs to get its act together if it wants to survive climate change. Insuring against weather natural disasters could reach unaffordable levels for …

Resilience Economics Bringing Climate Products to New Sectors

Resilience Economics Ltd. seems poised to capitalize on climate change. Cedent Ltd. this month launched the corporate finance advisory firm focused on climate risk with an initial $500 million of capacity from strategic partner Nephila Capital Ltd. The joint-venture plans …

Global Temperatures in 2017 Slightly Below Record-Breaking 2016: UN

This year will be among the three hottest on record, the United Nations said on Monday [Nov. 6], as almost 200 countries started talks in Germany to bolster a global climate accord that the United States plans to quit. Temperatures …

How Warming Seas Could Cost South Carolina $12 Billion

If oceans warm at a rate predicted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the United Nation-sponsored group that assesses climate change research and issues periodic reports, expected financial losses caused by hurricanes could increase more than 70 percent by …

Dutch Insurers & Banks Warned to Account for Risks of Climate Change

Banks, insurers, and other financial institutions must do more to take into account the risks posed by climate change to their business, a Dutch Central Bank study said. As global warming increases the risk of extreme weather events, regulators are …

Climate Researchers Warn of Hotter Summers, More Wildfires, in Southern Europe

Climate researchers are warning that Europeans should prepare for the return of “Lucifer,” saying the hellishly named heat wave that hit parts of the continent this summer could become a regular occurrence due to man-made climate change. Hotter-than-usual temperatures in …

Study Says Climate Change Could Lead to Rougher Roads

Expect some rough roads ahead. Literally, if a new study is any indication of how U.S. roads as they are currently being built might fare in a warmer world. A study by professors at Arizona State University shows that global …

What If an Irma-Like Hurricane Hit the New York City Metro Area?

It sounds like a Hollywood disaster movie. A Category 5 hurricane churning in the mid-Atlantic suddenly veers northwest – and heads straight for New York City. The good news is that, for now, experts agree a Cat 5-sized deluge appears …