global warming News

The Hartford Goes Green for Millennials

If Alexandra Zepp is typical of those in a millennial generation that’s beginning to account for a larger and more influential portion of the nation’s workforce, then what she has to say about her choice of companies to work for …

West Antarctica’s Ice Loss Shows Signs of Becoming ‘Unstoppable’

If you want to see the future of New York, Tokyo, or Mumbai, look no further than West Antarctica, where a warmer sea is turning ice into water that may be headed to your doorstep. The bottom of the world …

Could More State Commissioners Require Climate Disclosure?

Max Messervy took a decidedly positive tack when pried again and again to reveal any negative reaction to a report he puts together every so often. Messervy, the insurance program manager at sustainability leadership advocate Ceres, is one of the …

More Insurers Disclosing Climate Change Risks, Report Shows

Insurers in the U.S. are increasingly willing to disclose their risk management practices related to climate change, and that in part may be attributable to last year’s global accord in Paris and shifting attitudes in the business world on the …

You Should Be Able to Buy Stock in This Climate-Friendly Beer

Beer and coffee make nice bookends. One before the other can put you in the right frame of mind – I usually like coffee before beer, but whichever comes first all depends on what frame you want to be in. …

What Climate Change Has to Do with Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Tsunamis

Climate change will cause more earthquakes. It’s as simple as that. Deniers, start your engines. If that isn’t enough to enflame the smoldering embers of discourse within those ready to pounce on any and all climate change notions they deem …

‘Game Changing’ Climate Disclosure Guidelines Coming Soon

A global task force’s efforts to create new disclosure guidelines for the world’s financial industry – including insurers in the U.S. and abroad – are far from the first attempt to urge companies to be open with the public about …

Earth Gains Coastal Land Areas as Man-Made Expansion Outpaces Sea Level Rise

The Earth has gained coastal land equivalent to the size of Jamaica in the past 30 years with man-made construction outpacing erosion caused by rising sea levels, mapping data showed on Thursday [Aug. 25]. Expansion of ports off China, construction …

How Monsanto’s Climate Unit Is Changing Risk Profile of Farmers

It caught my eye when Monsanto Co. subsidiary Climate Corp. announced last week it was creating the “Industry’s First In-Field Sensor Network” and “the first Centralized Platform” digital agricultural technology development. The company said that its new sensor network will …

July Continued Earth’s Record-Setting Hot Streak

As more than 100,000 Americans flee destructive wildfires in California and floods in Louisiana, earth sends yet another reminder that the worst is yet to come: a new record for planet-wide heat. Last month wasn’t just the hottest July on …