global warming News

Climate Change Makes Forecasting Harder, Australia’s Agriculture Minister Says

Climate change is making it harder to accurately predict extreme weather events, said Australia’s agriculture minister Murray Watt, amid criticism the country’s meteorology department failed to provide timely warnings of this week’s deadly storms. “Climate change is having an impact,” …

Gas Tanker’s Detour of 8,000 Kilometers Highlights Shipping’s Current Chokepoints

A gas tanker’s long, circuitous journey is highlighting the toll that war and climate change are taking on the shipping industry. Pacific Weihai loaded in Houston on Dec. 14 with a cargo of liquefied petroleum gas intended for Ningbo, China, …

French Climate Damage Measures Came Late but Were Sufficient, Court Rules

France’s moves to limit climate damage came late but were sufficient, a French court ruled on Friday, in a blow to attempts by environmental campaigners to impose a 1.1 billion euro ($1.21 billion) penalty on the state for alleged failings. …

Iceland’s Volcanic Eruption Is Dramatic. But It Won’t Cool the Planet.

A volcanic eruption on Iceland’s Reykjanes Peninsula sent lava flowing through a 4-kilometer (2.5-mile) crack in the Earth’s crust. The eruption began in earnest on Monday and occurred near the evacuated fishing town of Grindavík, with lava shooting into the …

Nations Strike Deal at COP28 to Transition Away From Fossil Fuels

Representatives from nearly 200 countries agreed at the COP28 climate summit on Wednesday to begin reducing global consumption of fossil fuels to avert the worst of climate change, a first of its kind deal signaling the eventual end of the …

Infrastructure Faces $600B Hit in Worst-Case Climate Shift: Study

Infrastructure investors face losing nearly a third of their money, or around $600 billion, if countries do not plan for an orderly shift to a greener economy by mid-century, a first-of-its-kind study shared with Reuters showed. The researchers describe this …

Typhoon That Hit China’s Ports Provides Wakeup Call for Climate Risk to Markets

As Typhoon Doksuri aimed toward mainland China, major southeast ports were forced to turn away dozens of vessels for days. The storm, supercharged by the warm July waters of the Pacific, delivered Beijing’s worst flooding in more than 50 years, …

Climate Change, El Niño Bring T-Shirt Weather in December for Northern Hemisphere

It’s the cusp of winter in the Northern Hemisphere, but in many places from the US to Japan, it feels more like spring — and forecasters say that’s a sign of what to expect over the next couple of months, …

Humanity on Verge of 5 Climate Tipping Points, Report Warns

Five major global “tipping points” are in danger of being crossed at current levels of warming, a new study warns, leaving humanity at an inflection point between two potential futures. An international team of more than 200 researchers identified 26 …

Insurers Heavily Exposed to Impact of Climate Change: Global Watchdog

Insurers are heavily exposed to the impact of climate change and also face risk from their alternative investments in reinsurance, the International Association of Insurance Supervisors said in a report on Wednesday. Insurers continue to have “material exposure” to climate …