global warming News

Climate Change Will Raise the Cost of Canada’s Natural Disasters: Insurers

Canada will have to set aside more money to deal with natural disasters like wildfires, storms and floods as climate change starts to bite, the head of the country’s property insurance industry group said on Wednesday. A wildfire sweeping through …

Report Says Climate Change Could Make Some Wines Less Tasty

When you go to one of those giant annual insurance conferences ever wonder how much wine – in terms of gallons, number of glasses, bottles, dollar value – is consumed at all the evening mixers and up-scale soirees over the …

Institutional Investors Ignore Climate Risks Despite Bank of England Warning

The number big investors ignoring climate change risk increased last year despite a stark warning from Bank of England Governor Mark Carney about the potential for “huge” losses from a sudden shift in regulation designed to curb global warming and …

Climate Change and The Conservative Republican

If you’re a conservative Republican, there’s a decent chance that you believe in climate change. Compared with two years ago that is. Don’t tell this to Rush Limbaugh or presidential hopeful Donald Trump. Although he seems to have warmed a …

Connecticut Gov. Signs Order Strengthening State Building Code

Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy announced that, as Connecticut faces more frequent and severe weather events as a result of global warming, he is directing state agencies to develop new building code standards that will better protect residential and commercial structures …

EU Contributes $15.8M to Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility

The European Commission has agreed to contribute €14 million ($15.8 million) so the governments of Central American countries and the Dominican Republic can access to “low cost, high quality catastrophe risk insurance.” The agreement will be executed by the World …

Few Small Businesses Feel the Need to Prepare for Climate Change

Constant reminders in the media over threats of rising sea levels, more frequent storms, or the promise of blistering droughts along with water scarcity still won’t get people to prepare for the anticipated effects of climate change. Getting people to …

Scientist Closer to Making Climate Modeling More Accurate

A University of Wisconsin professor believes she’s come up with a way to remove some of the uncertainty in modeling, and she thinks her findings will help scientists and modelers more accurately take into account the impacts of climate change. …

Thawing Arctic Ice Creates New Environmental Risks as Shipping Routes Open

The Arctic is thawing even faster than lawmakers can formulate new rules to prevent the environmental threat of heavy fuel oil pollution from ships plying an increasingly popular trade route. Average Arctic temperatures are rising twice as fast as elsewhere …

‘Weird & Wacky’ Methods to Absorb Global Warming Pollution Viewed Too Risky

Some of the most dramatic measures to suck global warming pollution out of the atmosphere are probably too risky to be worth trying, an academic at a climate research institution concluded. Phil Williamson, a scientist at the University of East …