GM autonomous cars News

GM Hitting Bumps on $5 Billion Road to Driverless Cars by 2019

It’s one of the biggest bets going in the world of cars. Since May, General Motors Co. and its Cruise self-driving car unit have landed $5 billion in investment commitments from Japan’s SoftBank Group Corp. and Honda Motor Co. Ltd. …

GM Plans Fleets of Autonomous Robo-Taxis by 2019

General Motors Co. laid out its vision for self-driving vehicles on Thursday, telling investors it planned a commercial launch of fleets of fully autonomous robo-taxis in multiple dense urban environments in 2019, in a challenge to rivals such as Alphabet …

GM Says Driverless Cars Faultless in 6 Accidents in September

General Motors Co.’s self-driving unit, Cruise Automation, told California regulators its vehicles were involved in six crashes in the state in September, but said none of automated vehicles were responsible. The accidents did not result in any injuries or serious …

GM CEO Says Keep Steering Wheels, Brakes in Self-Driving Cars

General Motors Co. Chief Executive Mary Barra on Tuesday said she believes self-driving vehicles should keep steering wheels, brake pedals and accelerators in them as the technology develops. “We think that having that capability when the steering wheel and the …