Google car accidents News

NC Family Sues Google After Man Drove off Collapsed Bridge Following Map Directions

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — The family of a North Carolina man who died after driving his car off a collapsed bridge while following Google Maps directions is suing the technology giant for negligence, claiming it had been informed of the …

Federal Safety Agency Asking Google About Self-Driving Car Accident

The top U.S. auto safety regulator said Thursday the agency is seeking additional details of a recent crash of an Alphabet Inc. Google self-driving car in California. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration chief Mark Rosekind told Reuters on the sidelines …

Google to Issue Monthly Reports on Self-Driving Car Accidents

Google Inc. said it would give monthly updates of accidents involving its driverless cars. The report for May showed Google cars had been involved in 12 accidents since the company first began testing its self-driving cars in 2009, mostly involving …