Google glasses News

How Wearable Devices Could Disrupt the Insurance Industry

Nearly 50 years after Captain Kirk began using his wrist communicator on the television show, Star Trek, wearable technology is taking hold. From Fitbit and Nike Fuelbands to Google Glass and Golden-I, the technology is influencing how people live and …

Protecting Individual Privacy in World of Wearable Devices

The increasing presence of wearable cameras — such as smartphones, Google Glass and lifelogging devices like the Narrative Clip and Autographer — has facilitated benefits in a variety of societal areas, including police investigations, lifestyle monitoring, and aiding patients with …

Optical Insurer VSP Vision Care to Cover Google Glasses

Google Inc.’s glasses, computerized eyewear that enables users to check e-mail or listen to music, will be covered by the largest optical insurer in the U.S., VSP Vision Care. VSP Vision, which covers 20 percent of all Americans, will reimburse …