Google News

Expert Sounds off on Legal, Insurance Issues of Self-driving Cars

Editor’s note: To hear the full interview click on the podcast above or visit Hilary Rowen, a partner in the law firm of Sedgwick LLP in Sacramento, Calif., for the last three years, has been analyzing and following the …

Opinion: California DMV Rules Would Slow Driverless Car Development

The home state of Google Inc., the pioneering company in driverless cars, has just taken steps to make life more difficult – not just for Google, but for all of us who would like to see driverless cars hit the …

Federal Transportation Officials Want Self-Driving Cars Sooner

Federal transportation officials are rethinking their position on self-driving cars with an eye toward getting the emerging technology into the public’s hands, according to a spokeswoman for the U.S. Department of Transportation. Just two years ago, the agency struck a …

California DMV’s Pedestrian Pace on Self-Driving Car Rules Makes Google Antsy

Hustling to bring cars that drive themselves to a road near you, Google finds itself somewhere that has frustrated many before: Waiting on the California Department of Motor Vehicles. The tech titan wants the freedom to give the public access …

Hackers Find New Battleground in Space, Targeting Satellites in ‘Trophy Attacks’

Space, the ‘final frontier’, is rapidly becoming an extra-terrestrial battleground for corporate espionage and other types of cyber attack as hackers seek to gain commercial advantage from rival networks operating in the $330-billion space economy. At the same time, a …

NAPSLO Panel: Tech Disruption May be Good for E&S Market

“There are no rules. If you can figure out how to quantify a risk and define it, then you can insure it.” Hank Haldeman, president of the board of directors for the National Association of Professional Surplus Lines Offices, sounded …

Judge OKs $415M Settlement in Worker Suit Against Silicon Valley Giants

A U.S. judge has granted final approval to a $415 million settlement that ends a high profile lawsuit in which workers accused Apple, Google and two other Silicon Valley companies of conspiring to hold down salaries. The plaintiffs alleged that …

Auto Makers Seek to Limit Data Sharing with Tech Partners

Carmakers are limiting the data they share with technology partners Apple Inc and Google Inc through new systems that link smartphones to vehicle infotainment systems, defending access to information about what drivers do in their cars. Auto companies hope that …

USAA Piloting Auto Insurance Quotes in California Through Google Compare

California drivers shopping for auto insurance online can now receive USAA rate quotes and coverage information in their Google search results through the Google Compare service that debuted in March 2015. USAA is piloting the program in California in an …

Mobile App Data Flaw Leaves ‘Billions’ of Records at Risk: Security Researchers

Security researchers have uncovered a flaw in the way thousands of popular mobile applications store data online, leaving users’ personal information, including passwords, addresses, door codes and location data, vulnerable to hackers. The team of German researchers found 56 million …