Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger News

Brexit, Climate Change and Clean Air

What does the Brexit portend for all those collaborative efforts undertaken by the European Union to battle climate change? It’s a question a number of people were pondering โ€“ in Europe and in the U.S. โ€“ after last week when …

Employers Hopeful for California Workers’ Comp Reform

Editor’s Note: This is the third in a series of articles to look at California’s workers’ compensation reform law in detail and what must be done to implement that law by Jan. 1, 2013. Looking forward employers seem to have …

California Workers’ Comp Reform Taking Shape – Again

At a recent joint hearing in Sacramento on workers’ compensation in California with the Assembly and Senate, statistic after statistic flew out of the mouths of speaker after speaker during the nearly four-hour session. It was titled, “Informational Hearing, Injured …