government bailouts News

Fed Proposal Would Hike Capital Requirements to Discourage ‘Too Big to Fail’

Minneapolis Federal Reserve President Neel Kashkari unveiled a plan on Wednesday to prevent future government bailouts by forcing the largest U.S. banks to hold so much capital that they would probably decide to break themselves up. Kashkari’s plan would also …

Fed’s Lacker Calls for U.S. to Let Failed Financial Firms Unwind

U.S. regulators need to complete a comprehensive bankruptcy program implementation to allow large financial institutions to unwind in the event they fail, rather than depend on government interventions, a top Fed official said on Oct. 10. Richmond Federal Reserve Bank …

Insurers Should Face Capital Charge on Risky, Non-Core Activities: Regulators

Insurers involved in risky activities outside their core business, such as derivatives trading, should hold extra capital to limit the danger they might destabilize the financial system if they go bust, global regulators said on Wednesday. The capital charge is …