Government News

Tennessee Insurance Department Easily Passes State Audit

A government audit of the Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance (TDCI) has found that the agency has managed to reduce costs and operate efficiently during the economic downturn. In fact, the state Comptroller’s audit found no issues with how …

Jury: Iowa Hotel Unlawfully Fired ‘Tomboy’ Worker

A federal jury in Des Moines has ruled that an Iowa hotel chain unlawfully fired an employee because of her “tomboy” appearance. The jury found that Heartland Inns of America fired Brenna Lewis for not conforming to the hotel’s gender …

Texas Court Halts Sale of Unauthorized Auto Insurance

Travis County, Texas, District Judge Suzanne Covington issued a permanent injunction on Nov. 15 barring SideCars Inc. of Joplin, Mo., from marketing and selling a form of limited physical damage insurance to used car dealers until the company obtains a …

Do Certificates of Insurance Matter?

For many years it has been generally understood by agents, insurers and insureds that Certificates of Insurance are very limited in their purpose. That view may be under assault in Texas. Generally, a Certificate of Insurance is a summary document …

Legislators, Surplus Lines Groups Weigh a Lighter SLIMPACT Tax Deal

As the deadline to implement the surplus lines insurance modernization bill — or the Nonadmitted & Reinsurance Reform Act (NRRA) in the Dodd-Frank Act — quickly approaches, some of the nation’s legislators are searching for a way to find consensus …

Decades of Data Show Troposphere Is Warming Too

Not only is Earth’s surface warming, but the troposphere — the lowest level of the atmosphere, where weather occurs — is heating up too, U.S. and British meteorologists reported Monday. In a review of four decades of data on troposphere …

Employers Given More Leeway to Switch Providers Under Obamacare

U.S. employers offering health insurance to workers will not lose protected status under the new healthcare law if they decide to switch healthcare plan providers, U.S. administration officials said Monday. At issue is President Barack Obama’s pledge that people can …

Countries Finalize Anti-counterfeit Trade Pact Text

Negotiators from nearly 40 countries have finalized the text of an international agreement to help fight the growing trade in fake and pirated goods, the European Commission and the United States said on Monday. The negotiators settled a handful of …

Illinois Counties Sue FEMA Over Flood Maps

State’s Attorneys of Madison, St. Clair and Monroe counties in Illinois and a host of other impacted parties have filed suit in federal court against the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and its director Craig Fugate over new flood maps. …

Louisiana Still Owes Most of Judgement in 1983 Flood

Bob McBride Jr. was 18 when he pushed a flat-bottomed boat holding his family and neighbors through chest-high water to safety in Tangipahoa Parish. Nearly 30 years later, he and hundreds of others still are waiting for the state to …