governmental immunity News

Jury Weighing Military Contractor’s Claim of Immunity for Abu Ghraib Abuse

A lawyer for the military contractor being sued by three survivors of the notorious Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq told jurors Monday that the plaintiffs are suing the wrong people. “If you believe they were abused … tell them to …

Court Eyes Appeal Over Mentally Ill Inmate Put in Solitary in Delaware

A federal appeals court is set to hear arguments in a lawsuit filed by a Delaware prison inmate who claimed he was deprived of his constitutional rights by being placed into solitary confinement because of his mental illness. The appeals …

Texas Supreme Court Affirms Governmental Immunity in Pair of Decisions

The Texas Supreme Court recently delivered rulings on a pair of cases challenging the City of San Antonio’s governmental immunity, and in both instances the court affirmed that the Texas Torts Claim Act protects a city from liability in matters …

Judge Chides Army Corps over New Orleans Levees

The Army Corps of Engineers built a “tragically flawed” levee system for New Orleans – but isn’t liable for claims that excavation work by a government contractor weakened a floodwall and caused it to breach in two places during Hurricane …

Lawsuit Over Fatal Washington Ice Cave Collapse Dismissed

A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit over a Washington state ice cave collapse that killed an 11-year-old girl in 2010. Grace Tam was killed as she posed for a picture the Big Four Ice Caves in the Mount Baker-Snoqualmie …

Florida Senate Leader Opposes Immunity for Lawmakers

The incoming Senate president is opposing a proposal that would allow state lawmakers to wrap themselves in absolute immunity from having to testify in lawsuits. The House Judiciary Committee cleared a Republican bill (PCB JDC 12-03) along party lines last …

Supreme Court Won’t Hear FINRA Immunity Case

The U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal of a ruling that the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) had immunity from a private lawsuit over the 2007 deal that created the Wall Street regulator. The justices on Tuesday let …

U.S. Refuses to Pay Michigan Insurer for Ferrari Wrecked by FBI Agent

The U.S. Justice Department has refused to pay $750,000 to a Michigan insurance company for a Ferrari that was wrecked in Kentucky while driven by an FBI agent. In a recent response to a lawsuit in Detroit, the Justice Department …