graduated driver license News

Safety Experts Say Kansas Graduated License Working

A graduated driver’s license law in Kansas that went into effect in January 2010 has helped sharply reduce the number of accidents involving teenage drivers, safety experts said, as younger drivers are getting more practice before being turned free on …

Safety Experts Say Kansas Graduated License Working

A graduated driver’s license law that went into effect in January 2010 has helped sharply reduce the number of accidents involving teenage drivers, safety experts said, as younger drivers are getting more practice before being turned free on the highways. …

Graduated Driver Licensing Could Save 2,000 Lives, $13.6 Billion: Study

If all states implemented comprehensive graduated driver licensing (GDL) laws, an estimated 2,000 lives could be saved. Further, if all 50 states were to enact comprehensive GDL laws, it could generate savings of $13.6 billion per year. That’s according to …

Measuring the Full Impact of Teen Driver Crashes

The impact of teen driver crashes extends far beyond teen drivers’ families and friends, according to a new report. In 2008, more than half a million (681,000) people were involved in crashes where a teen driver was behind the wheel. …